Agenda for PCC Meeting
7:00 pm Thursday 28 November 2024
(on Zoom)

Welcome and Prayers


Minutes of the last meeting

Correct record?

Matters Arising,


Vicar's Update

  • Proposed Date for Carols and Christingles and Nativity: 22 December 2024.
  • Volunteer for Electoral Roll Officer. Just to clarify to be on the roll you must either (a) be resident in the parish or (b) have attended regularly during the previous six months.
  • 12 January visit from Bishop David: 50 years' of ALM ministry in the parish. Followed by tea, coffe and cake?
  • Condensation on Sunday
  • Experience Christmas Craft Day

(Virtual) Churchwarden's Update

  • This year, we need to be clear who is going to organise (a) Advent Candles; (b) manufactured Christmas Tree; (c) Setting up the Crib?

Fabric Priorities

We need to choose priorities for FABRIC PROJECTS:

  1. Electrical Survey for QI report:
    1. requested from Jason
  2. Infestation (current priority)
    1. quote for drain survey accepted - £300 + v.a.t.
    2. drain survey taking place on 10 December
  3. Roofer (scaffolding jobs wait until spring)
    1. stopping water ingress through the hole above the Organ Champber Arch
    2. and into Flower Cupboard.
    3. clearing low-level gutters
    4. sorting downspout-leak above main entrance
    5. putting pointing back above flashing on S.~side roof.
    6. perhaps doing any work arising from rat infestation.
  4. Joiner to fix wobbly front pew, and external kitchen door - get a price for a joiner < £200.
  5. Wall-mounted Televisions (potentially with a separate grant!)
    1. Audioworks have visited - waiting for quote
  6. New Carpet in Community Room - ask for a quotation for a lino-equivalent floor.
  7. New Carpet in Church
    1. architect at the QI (and check suitability of floor)

Next year:

  1. Landscape the flower bed at the bottom of paved area.

Parish Share - Financial Update


  • on Contactless Payments
  • on Service Collections since we re-introduced the plate.

How do we inform the congregation? Perhaps:

"Thank you for your generous response to the request for increased donations. It seems that:

  • Giving on the Collection Plate has increased by £x per year.
  • New Contactless Giving is at £x per year.
  • Direct giving has increased by £300 per year.

This money will allow us to move forward as a parish, meet our financial commitments, and conduct essential repairs and maintenance. Thank you for your continued support."

New members

A number of new people have started attending St. Paul's church in the last few years. How do we encourage them to become more involved in church activities: as volunteers, and as church members?

  • What would it mean for people to become more involved?
  • What changes can we make on a Sunday morning?
  • What changes can we make to our Social Events?
  • Anything else we can do?

Quinquennial Inspection

We need to continue the process of organising the next Quinquennial Inspection.


  • use JE Dean for the Boiler Service
  • Jason for an electrical survey to include PAT testing, extra socket for Stitch and Share , and flickery light in Chancel.


  • Safeguarding (to include Parish Safeguarding Action Plan)
  • Community Room
  • Finance (to include donations to DEC, Children's Society, Royal British Legion; online giving please try out the link on the home page)
  • Health & Safety (to include signing the Health and Safety Policy Statement)
  • Mission Community (to include: (a) Sunday School Leader Training; (b) Transition Group)
  • Social Committee


We need to set/note the following dates:

  • Date of next meeting .

Any Other Business